All patients and visitors must wear a face covering when entering our office and throughout the entirety of their visit. Masks, bandanas, scarves or cloth can be used.
Although Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Michigan Dept of Health and Human Services have lifted most mask mandates, their changes do not apply to healthcare settings.
Waiting room occupancy is limited to the number of individuals who can be present and still maintain six feet of distance. You will be asked to return to your vehicle if you arrive for your appointment and adherence to this guideline is not feasible. Alternatively, you may contact our office at 616.949.8945 upon arrival to check-in from your vehicle.
If you answer YES to any of the following questions at the time of your appointment, please do not enter the office and call 616.949.8945 immediately.
1. Do you have, or have you had recently, symptoms of COVID-19 infection such as fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell?
2. Have you or someone you have recently been in contact with received a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19?
3. Are you or someone you have recently been in contact with awaiting COVID-19 test results?
4. Are you or someone you have recently been in contact with currently quarantined?
A patient may be accompanied by one adult support person. The individual must be free of any COVID-19 symptoms.
West Michigan Orthopaedics offers telephonic appointments in lieu of in-office appointments when possible. Please contact our office at 616.949.8945 if you would like to discuss this option.
Thank you for your compliance to these guidelines as we work together to combat the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the highest level of health and safety for our patients and staff!