There are several steps you should take prior to surgery to make sure the process goes as smoothly as possible. Our staff is here to help make you as comfortable and prepared as possible in the time leading up to and following your surgery.
Pre-op Checklist:
- Schedule Surgery
- Schedule physical therapy to begin after surgery
- Schedule your post-op visit for after surgery
- Schedule a pre-operative medical clearance with your primary care physician if recommended
- Complete your Surgical Outcome Score (SOS) pre-operative surgery
1-2 weeks before surgery
- Obtain crutches for use after surgery (if applicable)
- Stop taking all anti-inflammatory medications (i.e. Advil, Aleve), health supplements and vitamins
- Prepare your home for recovery
3-5 days before surgery
- Pick up any prescriptions you’ll need after surgery from your pharmacy
- Make arrangements for someone to take you to and from surgery, and to supervise you for 1-2 days after surgery
The day of surgery
- Wear comfortable clothing
- Bring your crutches to surgery (if applicable)
- Bring your driver’s license or other form of I.D. and insurance card
- Bring your glasses and case if you wear corrective lenses
- Bring headphones and music if you wish to listen to something during your procedure
- Do not bring cash or valuables such as jewelry. Do not wear earrings.